Monday, October 8, 2007

A Clockwork Orange should be printed in English

In my book club we are reading A Clockwork Orange. This book is written in NADSAT, teenage russian vocabulary of the future, WHAT?!?! Just the first page was fille dwith words like "rassoodocks," "skorry," "prodding," and "veshches." Non of which were in your common Webster's dictionary. So after some Googling I finally found what all these terms meant on Sparknotes and now have them written on this small sheet that I've been refering to for every word.

This is not the fun way to read a book...

I'm going to need some coffee to get through this.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

There is such a thing as too much caffeine

I'll guess I'll just start off this whole shibang by being the first to claim that there is such a thing as too much caffeine, or merely just not enough sleep.

Tuesday night: tennis tournament. Even though I didn't get to play I still had to spend 7 hours on a bus and watching tennis games while not aloud to do homework.
Hit the sac: midnight Wake: 4:30 am

Wedneday night: Interact club, tennis clinic, and finding out I have to go to a wmen's conference and need nice clothes that I don't have time.
Hit the sac: midnight Wake: 4:30. (In order to be at the school at 6:30 am)

Thursday night: The night before the 6-weeks period. a day of tests that determine whether or not I can be eligible for UIL and tennis. Time studied before: none. stupid conference.
Hit the sac... NA.

After studying for these stupid tests for hours, around 3 am I realzied that information was not registering in my brain. SERIOUS. I picked out my economics book (easy) and tried to read a definition and the information just WOULD NOT compute. My lack of sleep and living off caffeine for the past 3 days was just much for my little body and by 6 am I realzied that going to school would end in failure and defeat. So I decided not to go to school that day. This is a huge gamble in that I might recieve incompletes for not taking those tests right before those grades were due (technically they aren't due till Tuesday night so i have all that morning to take them.) But having an incomplete automatically kicks me off the eligibility list. But watever. I'm gone in two weeks for a family reunion and am missing all that stuff anyways.

But now my mother is in a major fix about my sleep and study habits. Looks like I'm back to a bed time and flash cards.

I think I need some coffee.